Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Madrid Postscript

Forgot, the best thing about Madrid: The People. We met up with Mar and Felix, two friends we did an home exchange with two years ago when they came to the US to get married with Elvis. (Mar, I still need a picture of that!!!) After emailing for two years we had the delightful opportunity to meet up, joined by the lovely Puri and Pedro to enjoy the delights of the Circulo de Belles Artes de Madrid including two great photo exhibits, incredible rooftop view and great restaurants/bars. And Minerva on the roof! There was lots of spanglish, enthusiastic gesturing and tons of laughter. Muchas gracias por todo y para ti! Besos y abrazos.
Magnificent views from rooftop terrazza; Claire, Mar & Puri:Minerva, goddess of wisdom and protector of the arts (please watch after the Circulo de Belles Artes!) 


  1. Ha Madrid! How late do you guys eat dinner? After 10pm? And breakfast at 11am?
    Besos y abrazos.

  2. Si, es verdad. When in Spain, do as the Spaniards do!
