Friday, June 13, 2014

Leaving Barcelona in the broad daylight...

All week long in Barcelona, we see taxis everywhere. The day we plan to leave, we faithfully take our bags to the taxi stand and wait. And wait. Finally, a taxi pulls up and tentatively asks us where we are going. When we say the airport, he says he can't take us, there is a city wide cab strike and he can't risk being seen at the airport by other taxis. But we say we are only going near the airport to pick up our car. He plugs the address in his GPS, deems it safe and off we go! Turns out the taxi strike is all over Europe, a 24-hour strike to protest Uber (a peer-to-peer ride service, popular in the US). I think we were lucky that Ali came along and delivered us to the Renault dealer. We are now the proud "owners" of a Renault Capture, a car we will keep for the next 4.5 months and "sell back" in London. Now we are officially off the tourist routes and off in the country side. First stop, Sant Medir, outside Girona.
Doing my best car model imitation. 

1 comment:

  1. More cleavage! Looks like a cute little roadster. Plus you'll have some place to stow your wine purchases between picturesque little villages.
