Monday, June 16, 2014

Eating in Spain

Food is such a part of Spanish culture. Long lunches, follow by siesta, tapas, late dinners. Jamon everywhere. Lovely bakeries, fruitarias and charcuteries abound. Amazing markets like La Boqueria in Barcelona. Looking forward to the smaller markets now that we are out of the big cities. Somehow our eating rhythms have adjusted. Breakfast is usually simple, just coffee and a roll, lunch is our big meal and usually taken out. Commonly it's the menu del dia which gives a choice of first and second plates and comes with wine, bread and dessert for a set price. Hard to keep up with the Spaniards and late dinner so we've picnicked quite a bit. Families and friends linger of meals and, as it was in Italy, a table of only the two of us looks a little lonely! Food has been fabulous. Below are some highlights. (Larry, this is for you!)

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