Monday, June 30, 2014

Gracias Granada

We pulled into Granada off the autopista and found ourselves in a block of soviet style apartments that housed our recent booking on AirBnB. The neighborhood was unattractive, had no parking and we became a bit discouraged by where we had landed. Doubt disappeared when we met our delightful host, Paola. She helped us get our car into her rabbit warren of a garage, showed us the apartment and gave us a map. From there, we just started walking. Right outside our building was a small river that provided a gentler introduction to the city. On our evening paseo, Jeff had found a nice walk along the River Darra below the Alhambra. At trails end we noticed a road that seemed to go up so we followed it. It wound up to the top of the Alhambre and we were rewarded with a stunning view of the city from the olive orchard. We could see the Sierra Nevada to the east and the plains to the west. Great perspective. (Thanks for this suggestion Denise!) We bushwacked down from the orchard, picked a road that wove down through more neighborhoods. It was fascinating: We were enchanted. We celebrated by finding the best rooftop bar in the city. And the next day was similar, again, Jeff found a neighborhood that afforded more views of the Alhambre and provided endless alleys, stairs, and cobbled streets to explore. We finally got into the Alhambre that night, it was amazing as you know if you have been there, and pictures do not do it justice. You’ll just have to go and see it yourself. And do take time to walk around town, it’s a treasure. Gracias Granada. 

Granada: It's all about the Alhamra. And wandering.


  1. I'm really enjoying your blog. Did you trek out into the gypsy area behind the Alhambra? We were there in 2009. There's folks living in the hills round there. Literally in the hillsides, carved out caves of lime. I'm gonna send you some photos but I don't think I can attach them here. It's 93 degrees in Seattle today. Aha oe Feii?

  2. Yes, we did go into that neighborhood, not as deeply as you did from the sounds of it. I am a sucker for a good cave!
