Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Auckland Report

"A week in Auckland, you'll be bored!" That was our Vashon neighbor Richard's response to our New Zealnd itinerary. "Two days, four max!" he declared. Richard has over 30 years of visiting this country, having taught at the University of Auckland in the 80's and the building a house on the nearby Coromandal Peninsula. He and dear wife, Becky visit ever January and February. Given our way of travel, we weren't too worried about one week in New Zealand's largest city. Here is our report:

Day One: Arrive at 8 AM from Korea. Despite my telling both the Airport Shuttle company and our
Airbnb host that we were arriving at 8PM, the shuttle is there and takes us to our apartment where our host meets us and shows us our new home. Easy. Find essentials like fresh seafood and wine, try not to fall asleep. Wander through Albert Park and marvel at the range of plants/trees here.
Our view over Albert Park across the U. of Auckland

Day Two: Meet Wendy and Lily (friends of our friends Chip and Tammy) over in the Kingsland neighborhood. Wind our way through the streets of several other hood's taking in some views and checking out how the good people of Auckland live. Discover the flat white Mac's brewery.

Day Three: Time to start learning about this country and starting with the nearby Auckland Art Museum, New Zealand wing. Fantastic show of kiwi artist Robert Ellis and historical watercolors and oils of Maori people from the last two centuries. Free! Find the best place for a flat white near our house.

Day Four: After a morning of taking care of business back home, we walk up to the Auckland Museum. Amazing exhibits about NZ natural history, war history, Maori and Polynesian. Deserves two days. The museum sits up on one of Auckland's many old volcano peaks and has a great view from the top. Walk home through Parnell neighborhood, grab a beer and watch happy people enjoying the beautiful sunny, summer day. Discover another local hard cider on tap.

Day Five: Really, already? Take the ferry on the Hauraki Gulf to Rangitoto Island, a Dept of
Heaps of sailing in the Hauraki Gulf offshore from Auckland
Conservation island with trails. Walk to the top, an old volcano, wander through native forest back to the black lava shore, and return home exhausted and happy.

Day Six: Take the ferry over to Devonport to visit the lovely Anne O'Callaghan (we met at a retreat in Seattle). Swim with the Bucket Club, have wine and nibbles on the beach return to her house where her son Ben has made dinner. Sweet as!

Day Seven: Back to the ferry terminal (a mere 4 blocks from our apt), take the longest ferry ride on the gulf yet, 45 minutes, to Waiheke Island. From the wharf, a short walk through a preserve leads us to Cable Bay Winery for lunch and a
Lunch at Cable Bay, Waiheke
fabulous view. From there, walk through town to pick up the coastal trail which winds through vineyards, rocky coves a beach or two back to the wharf. Hope to come back to explore the other 90% of this incredible island someday. Wish we had another week.

Time to pack up and head to Kerikeri. From there we hope to explore the Northland and Bay of Islands. From there we will travel over to the Coromandal and visit Richard and Becky on Hahai Beach and share with him how (not) bored we were during our week in Auckland.

Maitiatia Bay on Waiheke
Auckland skyline from the ferry

1 comment:

  1. Looks & sounds fantastic! I hope I can be that bored someday...
